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Old June 8th, 2009, 01:47 AM posted to,,,,
Misanthropic Curmudgeon
external usenet poster
Posts: 17
Default Expert: It's your fault if you're a fatty

On Jun 5, 6:21 am, Billy wrote:
thin, is mostly a matter of genetics.

Complete mythology - propagated by the lazy and the dull.

What's misanthrope doing interacting socially?

Sharing the love.

And what state of grace, allows you to cast
invectives in such a gratuitous manner?

Being honest.

Apparently, up to 1994, there was little consideration of genetics
impacting obesity. That is no longer the case. Genetic predisposition
will make it harder for some people to gain or lose weight.

Harder, perhaps. By what perventage/ratio?
Not impossible or even difficult, though eh? Instead of loosing 5
kilos such a 'geneticially challenged' person might only loose 4
kilos. But that is all the excuse the butter-balls need, eh?

Body mass is a result of nature and nurture, genetics and environment.

Part of that 'environment' is being able to pull oneself away from the
Twinkie display.

If you live in a country that produces 50% more calories
than the population needs, you have a good chance of
being obese,

Your value sytem, and the poor esteem you hold fellow man in in
implying that mankind cant control themselve when a surfeit of
calories abounds, brings a tear to an old misanthropic curmudgeons

time for us to accept that we are good as we are.

Mediocrity is fine by you?

What about average do you find disturbing?

Those that settle for it.

I'm sure that not everyone would find that a Misanthropic
Curmudgeon would be the person that they would
choose to be cornered by at a party.

True: some people dont like honesty and forthrightness, as it pushes
them from thier nice safe little self-deluding comfort zones

Swimming is great exercise and it doesn't impact
your joints.

Swimming is idle recreation (but midly cardiovasuclarly taxing for
those with poor oxygen uptake abilities) and it is a myth that is 'low
stress on joints' - ask anybody with connective tissue damage.

So, you've gone from being a curmudgeon to being a head case. What is
wrong with idle recreation? It relieves stress that can kill you.

True: but to suggets that it is phtical activity is self-delusional

Being in water allows the flexing of muscles
without support.

Ahhh, what do you think muscles are for?

Dog paddling, or just floating on your back may
be a good way to begin.

If that is your frame of reference, I'll order up the 600kg bed hoise
for you now, shall I?

Before anyone listens to us, they should ask
their doctor what they think.

Given that most GP's are fat-accepters, fat-condoners, and/or stuck on
the 'eat- a truck load of pasta and you'll loose weight, but for gods
sake dont eat more than three eggs a week', and are illness focused
and not health focused (there is a onstrous difference, I say with no
pun intended) most of what GP says on this subject can be ignored.

Otherwise, try to exercise 2 1/2 hr a week. Walking,
biking, gardening, or just doing stretches on a mat.

Anybody who considers walking or stretching as specific excercise
needs to re-evaluate their definition of normal. Like breathing,
these thinsg should be normal parts of everyones day, not exceptions
to be 'acheived'.

Walking continuously for 30 - 60 min. is not part of everyone's life.

Precisly. That is why they are geletonous blobs who pour themselves
in and out of tehir car just to go to the local shop for a sugar-laden
donut or 24.

Getting on the floor and reaching for your toes isn't
an everyday experience for most people, or even you.

It is, actually. And a lot more besides.

It's not everyday that I meet Misanthropic Curmudgeon who is
orthographically challenged (5, can you find them?).

Only 5? I did well that day.