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Old April 7th, 2004, 02:59 PM
external usenet poster
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Default You want PROOF - Here's Quackery Proof.

You know, just because you can post cites that re-enforce your beliefs, it
doesn't end the argument. Look deeper and you'll find plenty of *proof* on
the other side as well. What bothers me about you is that you seem to have
an almost religious furvor about you. You might as well be saying we're all
going to burn in hell forever if we continue our evil ways. Get over it and
take care of your own diet and let others take care of theirs. If it's the
killing of animals that bothers you, why not put your energy into something
useful like the preservation of Polar Bears in the wild.Oh, but they kill
cute little seals and sea lions. I guess they ought to burn in hell as well.
Grrrrrrrrrrrr )
"She lives on prison consists of starches instead of proteins.
She gets fat. Her tissues become water-logged."
Perry Mason - The Glamarous Ghost

wrote in message
Here PROOF - Atkins is a QUACK. This is on the web....


Atkins: Backing Into Success


By John Turner on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 - 03:06 am:

Dr. Atkins claimed his diet worked by eliminating carbohydrates then
consuming as much fat as you liked -- no calorie counting required or

For decades this was treated as lunacy by dieticians, who couldn't get
past the image of a fat slob sprawled in a Barcalounger, cramming
pounds of salami into his face in the expectation of losing weight.

Atkins caught on bigtime when careful clinical studies showed it *did*
work as a diet -- that people did lose weight consuming what amounted
to sausage and eggs.

Then more studies probed how Atkins worked -- and found Dr. Atkins had
it all backwards.

Atkins himself claimed his diet worked by purging the body of its
stores of glucogen, driving the body into ketosis, a self-consuming
state in which a person stinks of ketones and their urine smells
burnt. Atkins worshipped ketosis. He said it was better than sex. He
also theorized that the excess calories, the ones that people were
presumably guzzling on their high-fat Atkins diet, were boiling off as
ketones and actually producing a net-loss calorie situation -- the
more fat you ate, the more weight you'd lose.

As it turns out, even someone losing ten pounds a month in ketosis
isn't producing more than a few grams of ketones a day -- far too few
to carry off the excess calories. And when they ran the numbers and
did the requisite tests, the net-loss calorie trick turned out to be
unworkable. There is less than a twenty percent penalty for taking
calories as proteins and fats versus carbohydrates, not the near
twofold penalty that Atkins himself claimed.

The new studies found that the reason people lost weight on Atkins was
because they were consuming fewer calories. No boiling trail of
ketones was needed to waft away excess fat calories -- there were no
excess calories. People simply tend to eat less on an Atkins diet.

Is the fat responsible for this moderated appetite? In a word "no".
Double-blind studies have shown time and again that people will eat
seemingly identical foods with equal gusto whether they are lowfat or
loaded with lard.

The culprit (or savior) turns out to be all the protein in an Atkins

All-protein fad diets pop up every few years like mushrooms. They go
through a cycle where people try them, grow disgusted or ill then
abandon them.
An all-protein diet is bad for you. When you burn protein for calories
you make nitrogenous waste, the stink in pee. On an all-protein diet
you make too much waste and become 'protein poisoned'. Keep it up and
your kidneys fail, your arteries harden and your heart gets sick more
or less in that order.

We find a grisly test case in the plight of the Donner Party.

It is now felt that the Donner Party grew sick and frail in their
winter camp not simply from starvation, but because they were eating
their oxen and horses after said animals died for lack of fodder.
Forensic examination of the remains of Donner Party fatalies show they
were consuming the equivalent of an all-protein diet -- horses and
oxen starved lean, lean, lean yielded meat that was essentially

Donner Party diaries record that they developed strange cravings and
would eat anything even remotely fatty, such as candles or waxed
leather. In part their willingness to eat their own dead could have
been driven by this craving. However, eating the flesh of a man who
died of eating only protein is just as bad as eating a starved ox.

The key in the Donner party situation was the lack of fat. Had the
animals been butchered promptly on realization they could not be fed,
their meat would have been nutritious not poisonous.

Most butcher cuts are fatty, at least nine percent fat by weight. Most
of the calories in a butcher cut are fat calories. Those calories are
tied to the protein. When we eat meat we're risking the protein to get
at the fat. Fat devoid of meat (think bacon drippings) is candy.

Atkins promises a candystore of fats but in fact most of its fat
occurs in combination with protein, which taints it as far as our
appetites are concerned. If the protein wasn't there, say you were
tipping a jug of warm bacon drippings up to your chin, you would not
lose weight on Atkins.

So Atkins accidentally invented a safe, tolerable protein diet by
putting the fat back in where any halfway sane dietician wouldn't.
There is an oversupply of protein, enough to turn your stomach and
stop you from eating so much, but the bulk of the calories are coming
from something other than protein -- the fats as it happens.

With this settled we must wonder why excluding carbohydrates would
even be necessary. Answer: Atkins accidentally eliminated most "fat
candy" such as pastries, buttercream and poundcake by shunning carbs.
Whole-wheat bread is not quite as fatty as hard salami but has a third
the protein -- eat as much bread as you can stomach, then try eating
that much salami! If Atkins had permitted his disciples to eat carbs
they would have loaded up on fat as instructed but eaten far too much,
gaining rather than losing weight.

What lesson can we draw from this as the Atkins(tm) marketing
juggernaut bears down this year? That a broken clock is right twice a
day, and preferable to one that tells us we're always late. Dietetics
is a dour and depressing field that seldom offers encouragement to the
obese, only scolding. Here, have some candy and you'll feel better
says Atkins. Mmm. Yummy candy.

John Turner, Who Eats 10 Pounds Of Cheese A Month


Next Article


This is the story of Nathan Pritikin, who started a health revolution
in America. It is also the story of Pritikin's decades-long battle
with Dr. Robert Atkins, whose diet books have topped bestseller lists
in America for the past several years. The nation is confused with
"low-fat vs. low-carb" and is now consumed by the Atkins low-carb
"health" craze. Restaurants and food manufacturers across the country
are now catering to this "health" craze. The battle could turn soon,
thanks to this week's revelations in The Wall Street Journal about
Atkins' heart disease, hypertension, and obesity - and future
revelations about Atkins' medical history.

In 1958, when he was 41, Pritikin was diagnosed with heart disease.
Cardiologists told him to keep eating his diet full of butter, ice
cream, and steaks. But Pritikin, an inventor with numerous patents,
started doing his own research and became convinced that people with
cholesterol levels under 160 rarely suffered from heart disease. They
had something else in common: they ate a diet high in natural,
fiber-rich carbohydrates and very low in fat, particularly saturated
fat from meat and dairy foods. By contrast, those countries that
consumed the most fat had the most arterial clogging, and they had the
highest rates of heart disease.

Pritikin's own cholesterol at that time was 280. He created an eating
plan rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans and with
moderate amounts of lean meat, seafood, and nonfat dairy foods. He
also began exercising. His cholesterol plummeted to 120. Two years
later, a new electrocardiogram showed that his coronary insufficiency
had disappeared. His test results: normal.

Emboldened by his new life, Pritikin launched several research
projects over the next 25 years that have now validated the efficacy
of his program. In 1975, he also opened the Pritikin Longevity Center,
now located at Turnberry Isle in Aventura, FL, a residential program
of diet, exercise and education that attracts people from around the
world. At the Center, cholesterol levels plummeted 23% and more; 83%
of the people with soaring blood pressure on medication left with
normal blood pressures, free of hypertension medication; 70% of type 2
diabetics on medication left drug-free and insulin-free; people who
had already been scheduled for heart bypass surgery left never needing
the operation and 81% of them still didn't need the surgery after 5
years. The stories became legend. To date, these and other results of
the Pritikin Program have been published by UCLA scientists in nearly
90 studies in top peer-reviewed medical journals like the Journal of
the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of

But the opening of the Center and the avalanche of publicity Pritikin
received touched off a war between Pritikin and the medical
establishment. One of Pritikin's strongest critics was Dr. Robert
Atkins, whose own diet was the antithesis of Pritikin's. During the
late-70s and early 80s, media coast to coast broadcasted their
debates. Pritikin claimed that the Atkins diet clogged arteries and
would kill Americans. Atkins claimed that his diet prevented heart
attacks and strokes. By 1983, Atkins' attorneys had filed lawsuits
against Nathan Pritikin, charging him with libel.

In 1985, Pritikin died from complications related to a 35-year
struggle with leukemia. The results of his autopsy were published in
the New England Journal of Medicine, and showed that Nathan Pritikin's
arteries were free of any signs of heart disease, and were as "soft
and pliable" as a teenager's. "In a man 69 years old," wrote
pathologist Jeffrey Hubbard, "the near absence of atherosclerosis and
the complete absence of its effects are remarkable."

On April 17, 2003, Dr. Atkins died. He was 72 years old. The media
reported that he had suffered a fall and subsequent head injuries
while walking to his office in New York City. Several months earlier,
he had been hospitalized for a heart problem, which his public
relations representatives asserted was not related in any way to
artery blockage. But the question remains unanswered whether Atkins'
heart problem was in fact a heart attack related to severe hardening
of the arteries. Did Atkins fall cause the head injuries that killed
him, or was the fall really caused by a massive stroke or other event?
Did Atkins' injuries reveal that he never even sought to brace himself
at all to break his fall?

On February 10, 2004, The Wall Street Journal published excerpts from
the New York City Medical Examiner's report on Atkins' death. The
report indicated that Atkins weighed 258 pounds at his death, making
the diet-guru clinically obese, and that he had a history of heart
disease, congestive heart failure, and hypertension. Was this caused
by his diet? Did the Atkins' diet kill Atkins?

Atkins' widow, Veronica Atkins, told the Journal she was outraged that
the report had been made public, but even she conceded in a statement
issued the same day the story came out that her husband "did have some
progression of his coronary artery disease in the last three years of
his life, including some new blockage of a secondary artery."

At his death, the family apparently objected to and stopped any
autopsy, so city medical examiners conducted only "an external exam"
and a review of Atkins' hospital records, according to the Journal .
But in these records there clearly is plenty of information about
Atkins' heart disease and hypertension, information that the public
never knew of until this week and much of which is still unknown.

In her statement, Veronica Atkins asserts that her husband's personal
medical history "is private and of no concern or relevance to the
media or general public." She also calls the individuals who made
public her husband's records "unethical." But couldn't the same be
said of the Atkins' empire? Given the widespread popularity of the
Atkins diet, Americans have a right to know all the facts. The Atkins'
books and food sales continue to rise, exceeding $100 million dollars
last year, and are expected to be at least double that amount this
year. Given the nationwide popularity of the Atkins diet, Americans
have a right to know all the facts about Dr. Atkins and the Atkins
diet. They are entitled to know if this diet harmed the arteries of
its most ardent proponent who followed the diet long-term rather than
just for a short 6 or 12 months like the people in the recent Atkins'
diet studies. They are entitled to know because their own arteries are
at stake. The whole debate, in short, is not just about diets. It's
about the health and well-being of the nation.

Atkins' medical history, like that of Nathan Pritikin's, is a matter
of public concern. If a more involved autopsy report exists, or if
there are pertinent reports like angiograms detailing just how blocked
Atkins' coronary arteries were, and serum cholesterol and lipid levels
and medication dosages which can be predictive of heart disease,
Americans have a right to see them. It could save lives, millions of
lives . We know what Nathan Pritikin's arteries looked like at his
death. The public deserves to know what Robert Atkins' arteries looked
like, too. It could well be that if Americans knew the real story
behind Dr. Atkins' diet, if they were to see what happens after a
lifetime of eating foods high in saturated fat, they might be
motivated, like never before, to make healthier choices about the
foods they eat. They might live longer, healthier lives free of the
ravages of heart disease and related illnesses.


And another article


Atkins Diet Plan - The Truth Revealed
According to many legitimate postings on the World Wide Web, the
Atkins "low carb diet" is just another fad and laced with fraud to the

Atkins' Death Reveals Fat Man with Heart Disease
By Randy Sink -February 16, 2004

According to the autopsy report released and obtained by the Wall
Street Journal, renowned diet guru Robert Atkins was obese and
suffering from heart disease when he died. Atkins advocates are now
claiming this was obtained illegally.

So what did kill Atkins? Read Adam Lusher's article posted about
Atkins at

What is the Atkins diet?

This is the case of another fad which only resulted in poor health for
most people who have tried it. Avoiding carbs and emphasizing fats and
proteins was right up the American alley of death.

How can someone who is obese and unhealthy as Atkins tell us how to
lose weight and be healthy? What a farce from a fat rich man. The
intake of excessive proteins and fats places undue strain on the
kidneys and clogs up your arteries.

Many fad diets have come and gone as their 15 minutes ran out. This
was just another fad in a long line of worthless diets that are
dangerous and unhealthy. According to the Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, (PCRM), Doctors who prescribe this type of diet
may be liable and could lose their licensees.

What's worse than this? If you now look at products sold in the
stores, you will see the words, "Low Carb" on many unhealthy products
being sold. How long will it take for these manufacturers to lose
their licensees? They probably won't because of lack of regulation but
we are sure they will eventually remove such nonsense from their

These manufacturers are taking what the market will bear and taking
advantage of you as the consumer. Your best advice would be to eat
more healthy, exercise, and avoid low carb diets. All the studies that
have been done show the Atkins diet is only a temporary and unhealthy
solution to losing weight.

Our foolish quest to lose weight in an unhealthy manner proves that
Americans have a problem with accepting moderation in their food
habits. They also don't like to exercise. Obesity is still on the rise
and so is heart disease. Only later do these wary dieters realize the
damage done to their bodies creating a cycle of health problems and
eventual death. states the following: Studies show that
meat-heavy, high-protein eating patterns are, over the long run,
linked to osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, and renal
disease, and pose particular dangers for people with diabetes.

Why do so many like the Atkins diet? Because they are lazy. Here you
can lose weight right away and do absolutely nothing to deserve it.
When will the next propaganda diet method reveal itself? I am sure it
won't be long.

Copyright © 2004 Randy Sink


And yet another...


So what did kill Atkins?
By Adam Lusher
(Filed: 15/02/2004)

Despite last week's leak of the diet guru's medical records, questions
remain. Adam Lusher is on the case

Even on the mean streets of New York, it doesn't get much meaner. They
didn't just get hold of the dead guy's medical report, they handed it
to the Wall Street Journal.

This wasn't just any dead guy, either. This was Dr Robert Atkins, the
Atkins Diet Dr Atkins. His "diet revolution" had conquered the Western
world with its simple, seductive creed: ditch carbohydrates. Ditch
rice and pasta. Choose a fatty protein. Choose steak. Get thin.

The diet police hated it, but by the time Dr Atkins died from head
injuries after a fall last April, he had persuaded 32 million
Americans and 3 million Britons to "throw away the bun and eat the

Until last week, then, an awful lot of people thought Dr Atkins was
the best thing since sliced bread. (Except that they'd rather gone off
sliced bread.) Few of them could have been pleased about the medical
report "acquired" by the Wall Street Journal.

This document, written in the New York City medical examiner's office,
detailed an external examination of the 72-year-old's dead body.
Handwritten comments, nasty terms such as "MI", short for myocardial
infarction, suggested that the supposedly super-fit, tennis-playing
doctor actually had a history of heart attack, "congestive heart
failure" and hypertension.

This rather helped critics of Dr Atkins who had spent years warning
that his diet was a recipe for heart disease. It got even better, for
rice and pasta lovers. The medical report helpfully recorded Dr
Atkins's weight: 258lb, just under 18.5 stone.

The critics were quick to do the maths. At 6ft tall, they said, Dr
Atkins was clinically obese. On the mean streets of New York, and far
beyond, the s******ing began. The diet guy's diet didn't work. Dr
Atkins, Dr Fatkins.

Step forward the grieving widow. Veronica Atkins was outraged. "If I
don't speak out," she said, "unscrupulous individuals will continue to
twist and pervert the truth in an attempt to destroy the reputation
and great work of my late husband."

This was no time to mention a business said to bring in $200 million a
year; no time to mention the commercial success of diet books that
have sold 15 million copies worldwide. This was no time to mention the
Atkins Nutritionals food range, said to bring in an annual $30 million
in the US. This was about "a man who dedicated his life to solving one
of medicine's greatest challenges: the obesity epidemic".

"Let me state emphatically," said Mrs Atkins, "that I have been
assured that my husband's health problems late in life were completely
unrelated to his diet or any diet.

"I look forward to the day when Dr Atkins's soul can rest in peace and
I can grieve uninterrupted."

The Telegraph agreed. It was time to find the truth about Dr Atkins,
his diet, his heart and his 258lb bulk. For the sake of the grieving
widow, someone had to get to the bottom of all this. Even if the
bottom was considerably broader than previously imagined.

In Britain, the PR wing of the Atkins empire had its theories. "It's
all a smear campaign," said a spokeswoman for Smees, the advertising
company representing Atkins Nutritionals (UK) Ltd. "His weight wasn't
due to the Atkins Diet. It was the fact that he was in a coma, being
pumped full of glucose [sugar!] for 10 days. That's what put on the

Cutting out carbohydrates and its influence over how sugar is
metabolised is crucial to the success of the Atkins diet. So, it was
time to find out what was really in that drip.

Dr Atkins fell and hit his head on the icy pavement of East 55th
Street, Manhattan, on April 8 last year outside his Atkins Center for
Complementary Medicine. He was taken to the New
York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and died there on April

The spokeswoman at the centre, though, wasn't about to reveal the
secrets of The Atkins Drip. No goddam way. "We have federal guidelines
to protect patients' privacy, sir. The fines are thousands of dollars
and they claim you can be given jail time. I don't want to test that

At Mount Sinai Hospital, where procedures are similar but Dr Atkins
wasn't a patient, Dr Joanne Meyer, the director of the pharmacy, was
more forthcoming. If being fed by a drip, she said, patients would get
"their total nutritional needs".

It sounded encouraging, at first.

"They will get lipids, which is the fat component, a component of
amino acids, which are the proteins... Carbohydrates? Yes, thank you
for reminding me. They get them, too, as glucose." Ah ha. So, Dr
Meyer, the drip was not Atkins compatible?

"Oh my God. I couldn't say that. I really couldn't."

So was she suggesting that the drip maybe was Atkins compatible?

"Maybe. I... guess so. I think we can say that."

No matter, Dr Meyer, for now. There were other matters to contend
with. Dr Stuart Trager, the chairman of the Atkins Physicians Council,
knew who had obtained and leaked the medical report. They weren't
nice. They were "a known group of vegan and animal rights extremists".
The group itself preferred the name The Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine.

"Yes, we promote a vegan diet," said a spokeswoman. "If you consider
it extreme to change to a diet that reverses heart disease and helps
prevent obesity and diabetes, then, yes, I suppose you could call us

What riled Dr Trager and Mrs Atkins most, though, was how erroneously
the medical report had been interpreted by opponents. They did not
need to consider the theory that it was glucose in the drip that did
it. They could still prove that this business about Dr Atkins being
obese was nonsense.

He suffered from water retention before his fall. That got
dramatically worse after his head injury. "During his coma," said Dr
Trager, "as he deteriorated and his major organs failed, fluid
retention and bloating dramatically distorted his body and left a
documented weight gain of over 60lb."

They also suggested that whoever wrote the medical report may have
lacked detailed knowledge of Dr Atkins's history, especially when it
came to this business about the "MI", the myocardial infarction. "MI"
refers to heart muscle tissue dying. The end result is a heart attack.
The usual cause is arteries getting clogged by fat.

Yes, explained his widow, Dr Atkins did have "a cardiac arrest" in
2002. In medical terms, though, this was not a "heart attack" because
it was not caused by MI. It was caused by cardiomyopathy, a weak heart
condition, and that was caused by a virus.

Getting independent confirmation of all this was not easy, and not
just because of how much of the $40 billion-a-year diet industry was
at stake.

Dr Tim Bowker, the associate medical director of the British Heart
Foundation, for example, stressed - repeatedly - that he had not seen
the medical notes himself and that medical ethics prevented him from
commenting on an individual's case.

The furthest he would go was to agree that cardiomyopathy could be
viral. It could cause the "congestive heart failure" mentioned in the
medical report, and that would indeed cause fluid retention. Some
fluid retention. "In an extreme case you would see 10lb. More often
you see 2lb or 3lb. Then you do something about it." Dr Bowker did
seem puzzled by the suggestion of a 60lb weight gain during a 10-day
coma. "That's a lot of weight."

"I haven't looked after many coma patients, honestly, and I couldn't
possibly comment on individuals," he added. Hastily.

Maybe, then, the jury is still out on Dr Atkins, his heart, and his
multi-million pound diet. The answers, though, may be found one day.
Mrs Atkins is considering suing the City of New York for letting that
fateful report leave the medical examiner's office.

If so, it will prove an interesting case. Only last month, Michael
Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor, had to apologise to Mrs Atkins for
what he thought were private remarks about her late husband: "The guy
was fat and the food was inedible."

"In order to make it up to Mrs Atkins," said Mr Bloomberg's spokesman,
"the mayor would like to invite her to a steak dinner - no potatoes."